
Hi all!

I see that you have stumbled upon my blog. Well now that you are here, let me just give you a few facts about who I am and what the purpose of this blog is.

First, let me introduce myself, I think we are at that stage, don't you?

My name is Vicky and I am a fifth-year PharmD student at Albany College of Pharmacy.
I am going to go on a medical mission to the country of Belize in January for two weeks.
This blog here is going to be my travel journal of sorts, as I will write my course that I am in, my expectations about the trip, the trip itself, and a final reflection of what the trip meant for me.

That is about all without giving away anything that I might want to make in a post.

So hope you stick around, because it is going to be an amazing experience, both from a blogging perspective and from a medical perspective.

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